Where he stands in the National League:
1st in Triples
2nd in Hits
3rd in Runs Scored
3rd in Stolen Bases
13th in Batting Average
18th in Doubles
24th in Walks (woohoo!)
25th in OPS
28th in Slg %
28th in OBP
Not bad for a guy who didn't make the All-Star team.
불법 토토사이트 팔려하자 직원들이 운영자 납치…한달간 인질극 벌여
2 years ago
1 comment:
I agree. Not bad for someone not making the all-star team:
1st player in MLB history to have 20 doubles, 30 SBs, 10 triples, 10 hrs before the all-star break.
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